DotCIO announces next phase of AFS retirement


As previously announced, AFS, Andrew File System, a legacy file storage system needs to be retired to maintain an acceptable cybersecurity posture for the Institute.    The service will be retired in stages and sunsetting completely in September 2024.  Among affected services, AFS housed all content for and
The first stage, web access to departmental and personal AFS space (homepages/dept) was restricted to on campus access only as of March 6, 2024.
The next stage, web access to departmental and personal AFS space (homepages/dept) will be discontinued altogether on June 5, 2024.
File Storage – Departmental and individual.
Users are encouraged to migrate their data from AFS to an alternate solution as outlined in the articles below.  Failure to migrate content will result in loss of data.
Where should I save my documents?
File services comparison
Requesting Shared Box space
Web Hosting
To meet its functions of education, research, and administration, Rensselaer's web presence must maintain the highest standards of availability, performance, and accessibility.  Faculty are encouraged to utilize for public facing faculty specific web content.  Course related content should be houses in LMS or Box.  General academic program or research lab related content should utilize Institute web resources.
Questions and Support:
If you have questions, need support or are utilizing AFS for any other purpose and need an alternative solution, please contact us by submitting a Support Request

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