Rensselaer Community Members Encouraged to Integrate Campus Applications with Single Sign-On


DotCIO strongly encourages the adoption of Single Sign-On (SSO) for all campus-related applications, especially those handling sensitive information. SSO provides centralized visibility and control over client access, making it easier to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, and FERPA. 

Audit trails and logs can be generated to track user activity and access to sensitive data, but SSO allows users to log in once and gain access to multiple systems without the need to re-enter credentials for each service. SSO not only simplifies the login experience but also enhances security by tying the credentials to an RCS account and requiring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on the application. 

Integrating with SSO can be easy, as many vendors provide robust documentation for their products. To get started, you can submit a Support Request; a member of the DotCIO staff will work with you to integrate you into our SSO.

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