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The DotCIO Research Machine Shop (RMA) would like to express their sincere gratitude for everyone who bid on the United Way Silent Auction for a model of the Chicago Ferris Wheel. The auction was an outstanding success, generating $950 for the organization.
Please read the entire announcement - RPI Learning Management System (Blackboard Learn SaaS Release) Instructors, Designers and TAs
Do Submit a course request if:
Blackboard will be performing required maintenance beginning at 1:00am Thursday, 26 December 2024. Maintenance is scheduled for approximately six to eight hours.
DotCIO has updated instructions for printing to the plotters. The documentation is more concise and simpler to follow, which will improve the outcome of the final product.
Do you use Box Drive? If so, this is a very IMPORTANT tip on where you should be creating new folders and files.
DotCIO is excited to announce the launch of a new Digital Asset Management (DAM) tool for the campus community!
,Spam Alert
This is to alert you about a rise in smishing scams pretending to be from RPI leadership. These fake messages (smishing) might look like they are from President Schmidt or other officials, trying to trick you into giving away personal or RPI related information.
Members of DotCIO's IT Security team wish to remind all members of the Rensselaer community that Institute policy states that email accounts obtained through third parties may not be used in conducting the business of the Institute.
Scammers use email to try and steal your passwords, account numbers, Social Security numbers and other personal identifying information (PII). They try to gain access to your email, bank, or other accounts.
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