Unveiling the IBM Quantum System One
Over the course of three days in April 2024, researchers, students, and industry experts from all over the world joined the greater RPI community for workshops, technical sessions, a live podcast recording, and a keynote address, all focused on the future of computing. The event culminated on April 5 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony revealing our IBM Quantum System One, the first to be housed on a university campus.
IA Quantum Ribbon-Cutting Highlight Video
Watch the full recording of The Ribbon-Cutting Celebration featuring President Martin A. Schmidt ’81, IBM Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna, elected officials, members of the RPI Quantum Computing Club, and more.
Here are some highlights from the historic celebration.

Researchers, students, and industry experts gathered to discuss all things quantum — from quantum physics and computing to quantum education and workforce development.

To listen to our episode visit The New Quantum Era Podcast website or listen using your favorite podcasting app.
Our episode will be posted soon.

We want to thank award-winning journalist David Pogue, CBS News Sunday Morning's technology and science correspondent and bestselling author, for being our evening Keynote speaker.