Client Information Services

Backup Services

Having your computer hardware fail isn't the time to realize that you haven't backed up your data!

Central Storage

DotCIO offers network attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN) solutions for many academic and business operations.

Computer Repair

Rensselaer Computer Repair (RCR)'s manufacturer-certified technicians provide the campus community with warranty repair for a wide range of computing equipment, and also offer time and materials non-warranty repair on all other equipment.

Decommissioning, Disposing, or Removing IT Equipment from Service

DotCIO provides various licensed applications for use on Rensselaer-owned computer systems.  Additionally, DotCIO provides management and maintenance of Rensselaer computer systems. These applications and services can only be provided for systems in active use and within the possession of Rensselaer.  Further, all computer systems store data which could be sensitive or private in nature. Computer systems not properly decommissioned pose multiple risks including unauthorized use of Rensselaer licensed

Electronic Lab Notebooks

DotCIO provides access to and support for a cloud-based Electronic Lab Notebook product for use by RPI faculty, staff and students.

File Sharing (OneDrive)

Similar to Box, OneDrive is a free cloud file-sharing service that provides end users with the ability to access files with any Internet-capable device from almost any location.


GitHub is a web-based interface to the GIT version control software that manages and tracks changes to files over time.

Guest Accounts

A faculty member, staff member, or a department can sponsor a guest account for elevated access to campus resources.

Help Desk

The Help Desk team is available for phone and in-person support during the Help Desk's posted hours.

High-Performance Computing

DotCIO and Research provide support for high-performance computing via operations at the Center for Computational Innovation.  Located at the Rensselaer Technology Park, this facility provides high-performance clusters for use by RPI faculty and students, as well as researchers. 


Rensselaer students may need to use iClicker personal response devices in their classes in order to participate in taking class attendance, offer feedback during class discussions, or take online pop quizzes.

IT Equipment Lifecycle Planning Process

  1. Department/designee submits request for lifecycle planning.
  2. DotCIO reviews current state of departmental equipment.
  3. DotCIO and department designee review departmental needs.
  4. DotCIO provides recommendations.

IT Equipment Procurement Process

  1. Department/manager reviews employee needs.
  2. Department/manager obtains/allocates funding source.
  3. Department/manager submits request for new IT equipment.
  4. DotCIO staff reviews request and confirms appropriate (or makes other) recommendations
  5. System is purchased or allocated internally.
  6. DotCIO staff completes initial configuration. 
  7. DotCIO staff coordinates with client for system setup, additional configuration and, if needed, migration of any data from previous system (if applicable).
  8. DotCIO staff will coordinate with departmen

IT Equipment Support

DotCIO provides hardware and software support.  Individuals in need of support should go to the DotCIO Get Help page for self-help knowledge base, how to request assistance and current help desk hours for phone or in-person support.   If it is determined that your equipment requires hardware repair or replacement, we will consult with you and provide recommendations for repair options or replacements as appropriate.

IT Support and Ticketing System (ITSSC)

The IT Services and Support Center (ITSSC) provides a centralized location where members of the campus computing community can find self-help information, as well as an easy interface for submitting a request for DotCIO service-related assistance.

Knowlege Base

Search our knowledge base of documentation that includes answers to frequently asked questions, how-to guides, and troubleshooting instructions.

Lab Instrument Computer Support

DotCIO’s Research Computing provides assistance with procurement, installation and operation of computers used to control laboratory instruments and machines.  This includes providing infrastructure, software, and procedures that assist research centers and labs to comply with RPI security policies. 

Medium Performance Computing

Provides assistance with needs for computation that require more than a normal desktop or laptop but do not fit into traditional HPC definitions.

Mobile Computing Program (Laptops)

Rensselaer's Mobile Computing Program (MCP) partners with top manufacturers to provide a laptop that fully supports students' computing needs and helps enable and ensure their academic success.

Obtaining IT Equipment

DotCIO provides services to assist departments with providing employees access to the right IT equipment to ensure they can be successful in their specific positions. 

Red Hat Satellite Service

Red Hat Satellite is an infrastructure management system designed to deploy, configure, and maintain Linux systems across campus.

Rensselaer Computing System (RCS) ID

All faculty, staff and students are issued a unique RCS ID and initial password, which provide access to the computer network, printing services, WiFi, email, and many Rensselaer applications, including the Learning Management System (Blackboard).

Software Consulting

Client (Desktop) Support can help evaluate and track and/or assign licenses for specific departments and develop and also maintain some software and middleware.

Software Distribution

DotCIO provides software and software licensing services to students, faculty, and staff.  All of the software which is available is for academic use only and is not to be used for commercial purposes.

Software Installation

DotCIO's Help Desk staff has compiled various software installation hints to help members of the campus community, and are also available to assist individuals who visit or call the Help Desk.


Rensselaer Computer Science faculty and their active students use Submitty to streamline homework submission and grading.

Training Videos

The Help Desk staff has assembled a collection of "how to" videos that may help students, faculty, and staff with their most frequently asked questions.
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