
Service includes service support, support in obtaining IT equipment, and requirements for decommissioning of equipment

Decommissioning, Disposing, or Removing IT Equipment from Service

DotCIO provides various licensed applications for use on Rensselaer-owned computer systems.  Additionally, DotCIO provides management and maintenance of Rensselaer computer systems. These applications and services can only be provided for systems in active use and within the possession of Rensselaer.  Further, all computer systems store data which could be sensitive or private in nature. Computer systems not properly decommissioned pose multiple risks including unauthorized use of Rensselaer licensed

IT Equipment Lifecycle Planning Process

  1. Department/designee submits request for lifecycle planning.
  2. DotCIO reviews current state of departmental equipment.
  3. DotCIO and department designee review departmental needs.
  4. DotCIO provides recommendations.

IT Equipment Procurement Process

  1. Department/manager reviews employee needs.
  2. Department/manager obtains/allocates funding source.
  3. Department/manager submits request for new IT equipment.
  4. DotCIO staff reviews request and confirms appropriate (or makes other) recommendations
  5. System is purchased or allocated internally.
  6. DotCIO staff completes initial configuration. 
  7. DotCIO staff coordinates with client for system setup, additional configuration and, if needed, migration of any data from previous system (if applicable).
  8. DotCIO staff will coordinate with departmen

IT Equipment Support

DotCIO provides hardware and software support.  Individuals in need of support should go to the DotCIO Get Help page for self-help knowledge base, how to request assistance and current help desk hours for phone or in-person support.   If it is determined that your equipment requires hardware repair or replacement, we will consult with you and provide recommendations for repair options or replacements as appropriate.

Obtaining IT Equipment

DotCIO provides services to assist departments with providing employees access to the right IT equipment to ensure they can be successful in their specific positions. 
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